Transforming places and organisations through culture, creativity and technology.

Imagine a life without culture…

The Fifth Sector provides cities and regions with research, insight and tools to develop resilient, place-based strategies and effective action plans to boost growth of and investment in the creative and digital economy through innovation, capital projects and skills development.

We help digital/ creative businesses and cultural organisations develop new products and services, secure investments, engage with universities, develop plans for collaborative research and get advice and support in bidding for R&D funds.


The Fifth Sector helps places and organisations harness and direct the growth of the creative and knowledge economy. Iain Bennett has have over 30 years of senior-level experience in both private and public sectors and across disciplines including strategy and business planning, economic development, business incubation, innovation management, skills and training, place making, and place marketing. His work emphasises the leading role of culture, creative industries, and digital innovation in the renewal and growth of places, spaces, and economies across the world. 

The Fifth Sector was founded in 2011, and has delivered over 100 projects in that time, across the UK and internationally, working in partnership with leading specialists, universities and industry experts.

Can we help you? We are always happy to share ideas and discuss new opportunities.

For a free, no commitment initial consultation, please book an initial free meeting at or call us on 0151 203 3004.

Let’s work together